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Dermal Fillers and Botox

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Dermal Filler

Dr Haipeng Wang uses the new Ellansé dermal filler for areas of facial volume loss. It achieves instant volume and long-lasting results, using own-collagen stimulation; to deliver brighter skin with improved density, firmness and elasticity. ELLANSÉ is a Polycaprolactone-based filler with a secondary action that stimulates the natural production of collagen . 

What are the differences between simple Hyaluronic acid-based fillers and ELLANSÉ ?


The science behind the stimulation.
Combining smooth PCL microspheres with a CMC-based carrier gel, Ellansé gets to work immediately, filling the areas affected by volume loss. The microspheres then degrade over time - leaving behind collagen structures that steadily rebuild and reshape facial contours, to restore the youthful infrastructure of the skin. It has along-lasting effect, so reduces the need for top up treatments.

From the age of 25, the face loses around 1% of its volume per year. This is because the collagen in the skin breaks down, making the skin thinner and drier and causing wrinkles. Hence, the primary purpose of filler products is to compensate for these losses. 

Hyaluronic acid-based products simply improve volume in the short-term. However, collagen biostimulating products such as Ellansé not only deliver rapid results, but also improve the quality of the skin in the medium and long term, so their effect is sustained.

Hyaluronic acids are simply fillers - the injected volume is the only effective change, which typically lasts 6 months.  
Ellansé  is a more durable product with lasting effect from 18 months to 2 years



It is important to choose an experienced physician to perform Botox injection for your anti-aging needs. Dr Haipeng Wang uses the gold standard Allergan Botox to treat unwanted wrinkles and fine lines. 

What exactly is Botox?
To understand how preventative Botox works, it’s important to understand what Botox is. Botox is made of purified botulinum toxin type A, a toxin produced by microbes that can cause botulism, a type of food poisoning. Botox was originally developed from this substance as an injectable treatment to calm muscle spasms because, when injected, it signals the muscle to relax by stopping nerve signals. 

Injected for cosmetic purposes, Botox relaxes facial muscles whose contractions cause wrinkles. Depending on the size of the muscle and the level of relaxation desired, the injector (preferably a plastic surgeon, nurse injector, or dermatologist) will carefully calculate the amount to inject. Its effects last for about 3-4 months.

How does “baby Botox” work?
This approach is personalized for each patient, but often involves around 20-35 units of Botox distributed throughout the facial areas where aging tends to happen first—usually between the eyebrows (glabella), the forehead, and the crow’s feet at the corners of the eyes. By contrast, outdated injection methods often involved injecting that same amount of Botox into just one muscle, leading to an unpleasant “frozen” appearance.1 is $1,268 for a 200-Unit vial. The approved dose is 155 Units every 12 weeks. There may be additional costs for the procedure, which will vary by healthcare provider and insurance. Visit product website for approved dose.

Over time, Botox can train your muscles to contract less, creating fewer and less severe wrinkles. Patients who receive Botox in larger quantities enjoy this effect, and so do patients who get preventative, or baby, Botox to a smaller degree. This is why baby Botox technique is sometimes called “prejuvenation.”

Reasons to consider preventative Botox
There are a number of reasons to try out early intervention with a neuromodulator:

Botox works every time. Some non-surgical facial treatments offer subtle or unreliable results. But neuromodulators are well-known for getting reliable results in the hands of experienced, qualified injectors who personalize the treatment to patient anatomy.
Small enhancements with Botox can be added to your treatment. This may include jaw-slimming masseter Botox, the Botox lip flip, or a subtle Botox “brow lift.”

Trying out “prejuvenation” is low commitment. Neuromodulators only last for about 3-4 months, so if it’s not for you, you can simply let the effects wear off.


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